Friday, August 14, 2020

A Journey Of A Thousand Eons...: 29. The Bride of Sacrifice (The Aztecs, Episode Three)

Oh, Susan, you almost had me back on board with you.

You see, Barbara continues to punk Tlotoxl, finding a way to get out of his traps using her wits....of course, she also out-and-out tells the priest of sacrifice she’s not divine, so she’s not batting .100.  Tired of getting his butt kicked, Tlotoxl manipulates it so that the Perfect Victim (Andre Boulay) tells Autloc he wants Susan for her bride.  Susan refuses, and is sentenced to be punished before said victim gets sacrificed during the coming eclipse.  And in response, Susan...hugs a pillar and literally cries for her grandfather.


Granted, Grandfather is doing okay--he’s discovered a secret entrance into the tomb, makes cocoa and finds himself engaged to Cameca.  However, when he sends Ian to find a way to the Tardis, Ixta--who proves to be more of a Dude-Bro than out-and-out evil--seals that entrance, allowing for the tunnel to start flooding.

Again, the thing that I marvel at is how John Lucarotti finds ways to make the action of his story motivated by character and logic.  And while some of the dialogue is a bit questionable from a modern standpoint, the argument between Ian and Barbara that I consider the centerpiece is amazing.  Ian argues that it’s not Autloc’s belief system that’s the norm but Tlotoxl’s, no matter how abhorrent we find it from the perspective of 1964, and we have to recognize that.  Sadly, he throws the word ‘evil’ and ‘horrid’ and similar prejoratives around when making that argument, which is discomforting.  I like the fact that Ixta, while still wishing Ian ill, is cool with Ian now that he’s proven he can beat him (Like I said, very Dude Bro).  I also enjoyed how Ixta points out it was Ian who advised he use subterfuge and guile in beating his enemies when Ian gets indignant about being tricked. 

This serial has been very much Barbara’s from the start, and Jacqueline Hill has been more than up to the task.  In this half-hour, we see Barbara realizing the others might be right but refusing to stray from the path she set herself upon to fix the Aztecs.  We see her, as an intellectual, using her intelligence to get out of the situations Tlotoxl throws her way....but arrogant in her belief that she can impose her morality on these people.  Hell, her arrogance leads to her telling Tlotoxl the truth and mocking him in her efforts to save Susan from having her tongue and ears pierced with thorns.  Even though her friends are telling her not to, she bulls her way through making things ‘right’ with a culture she thinks she understands, but maybe doesn’t.  Hill is amazing throughout all she goes through, and having her in the story’s center allows us to have little cool character moments on the side....

You know, like the Doctor’s engagement.  This remains by far my favorite bit of the serial.  I love how Hartnell is a little alarmed at this development....but he certainly doesn’t run away from the prospect.  He actually seems pretty cool with hanging out with Cameca, planning a garden and other things with her.

John Lucarotti knew how to structure a good, entertaining serial.  I cannot wait to see how this all shakes out in the next episode.

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