Friday, January 1, 2021


To commemorate a new year (and our getting through a really sucky old year), my lab monkey and I present...boobs!

Yeah, we’ve had films with boobs before...but have we had films with boobs based on a bondage underground comic starring one of the premiere video vamps of the 80‘s?

Join Tawny Kitean (you know, that redheaded goddess who writhed all over Whitesnake’s car) and a mostly French cast in this thoroughly bizarre period piece with a real jerk sailor with a grappling hook with a switchblade in place of a whip so he’s totally not like Indiana Jones and a girl who’s supposed to be Tawney’s sidekick but, as we argue, is the real heroine of the picture.  It’s called (deep breath) The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of The Yik Yak, and it’s overproduced like nobody’s business.  Marvel as my lab monkey and I try to figure out what the Hell is going on in this film, and I giggle every time I say the name of the film’s director.

Adjust your thong here

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