Sunday, August 5, 2018

They Don’t Make Trailers Like That Anymore: THE BLOB (1988)

30 years ago, this little gem was released on the world...and was pretty much ignored by it.  Directed by Chuck Russell, who just helmed what is arguably the best super-slasher sequel of all time, Nightmare on Elm Street III: The Dream Warriors, off a script by Russell and Frank Darabont, I actually consider it the superior version of the story.  Under Russell, the story sheds a lot of its fat (a subplot about a lost dog from the original is gratefully nowhere to be seen), utilizes a top notch cast that’s age-appropriate, and features some gooey practical effects...and an even gooier, absolutely ruthless body count.

Now when you’re trying to sell a remake of a beloved monster movie classic, you’ve got to walk a fine line.  You want to evoke memories of the original while also declaring yourself your own thing, and I think this trailer does that well.  If you’re familiar with the 1958 version (and its dumb-as-dirt sequel, Beware The Blob!), you’ll notice they took some shots and dialogue that mirrored it, particularly the scenes featuring ‘Can Man’ and a flash of our heroes in the diner’s freezer.  But those shots don’t dominate the trailer, and the flow seems to emphasize the chaos of the film itself.  It’s significant that one of the clearest lines of dialogue in the trailer is Kevin Dillon’s warning “I think you ticked it off.’ 

You’ll also notice we don’t see anything of the titular Blob save for the opening shots of the landed goo and a split second shot of tentacles.  We do see a lot more of the lovely Shawnee Smith, and with good reason--the girl gives good scare, and her screaming plays counterpoint to the androgynous scream that provides the background to the interstitial titles.  It hints without giving away much of anything, and hands us juuuust enough information to know what kind of thrill ride you’re getting into.

And check out that tagline, intoned perfectly by the narrator.  "Terror...has no shape."

Trailer courtesy of Sony Entertainment, posted by 19Venator92.

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