Friday, November 13, 2020

A Journey Of A Thousand Eons...: 54. The Slave Traders (The Roman, Episode One)

In this episode, after Dennis Spooner waves away the literal cliff hanger from last episode, we check in with Team Tardis living comfortably in a villa some distance from Rome a month later.  The Doctor, Ian and Barbara have been loafing around enjoying the respite, while Vicki is anxious to start going on those adventures they were talking about.  When the Doctor’s feelings are hurt, he and Vicki head off for Rome--thus narrowly avoiding being taken by the titular slave traders that nab Ian and Barbara.  Luckily, that doesn’t mean the Doctor and Vicki are out for a couple of episodes, as he’s mistaken for a talented harpist who has an appointment with Nero....of course, considering the real harpist was murdered because Nero was jealous of his talent, this is not gonna be all puppies and lark’s tongues.

While there is some serious stuff in this half-hour--Spooner’s Slave Traders are properly loathesome and without morals, and Barbara is really getting a case of the Despairs over it--you will notice there’s a lightness of tone that we haven’t seen in the previous historical...well, at least the historicals we are able to see.  The whole first segment seems to be played for laughs.  This is the beginning of why I think the pure historicals disappeared shortly after Troughton took over.  As the emphasis of the series landed more and more on science fiction, the educational intent evaporated...and without that educational aspect, the pure historicals became less and less accurate to the point that some of those last serials are...well, really silly.

Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not looking down on this episode.  There’s an extended scene between Ian and Barbara after they’ve been left alone in the villa the Tardis Crew has been squatting in that’s utterly charming and sort of implies that their relationship has become very romantic without explicitly saying it.  And I am still totally on Team Vicki, as her wanderlust is a great contrast to the way our other travelers are content to be kinda lazy after all their adventures.  In fact, Spooner is doing thing with her that they could not do with Susan, like having her talk openly about London to cause Barbara to quickly cover up the gaff.

There’s not much more to report on this episode; let’s be honest, it’s all setting up stuff for the serial.  I’ve never seen this story before, although I do know something about the plot.  The character stuff does make up for this half hour’s sketchiness.

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