Tuesday, September 1, 2020


To honor one of the best character actors of the Grindhouse Era, the recently passed John Saxon, my lab monkey and I view the thriller The Glove...and come across their first ‘bait-and-switch.’  Watch us try to figure out why this relatively bloodless, flatly directed character study about a former baseball player turned bounty hunter got promoted as a brutal thriller with a vague blaxploitation angle!  Marvel as we discuss Rosey Grier, meat-slapping fights, the gorgeousness of Joanna Cassidy and, since we were not so keen on the film, a forty minute talk about the Monkees, the role of novelty in heavy metal music, ‘new’ country and Bad Religion!

Put on your funky hat and join us here.

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WHEN WE WERE ULTRA: The Difference 25 Years Make, Steve (SLUDGE, SLUDGE: RED X-MAS)

Supposedly, Steve Gerber had no idea for what he could write as his contribution to the Ultraverse. Sure, he was doing Exiles , but that was...