Thursday, May 23, 2019


You’ll start seeing the podcasts again shortly.  As you know, I’ve got a lot to catch up on.

And speaking of catching up...

This event is to create 31 characters, one for every day in May, that will be featured in an upcoming project I’m working on tentatively called Strikeforce Liberty.   It is to raise money for RAINN (The Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network).  If you donate here, you will have the option to sponsor a character or give me a name to create a character for.  In these times, where the Alt-Right is attacking a woman’s right to her own body and trying to introduce the words 'consensual rape' to justify their attempts to turn women into property, we need to support organizations like this.

If you are a Domicile of Dread Patreon, you’ll get a short podcast discussing the creation process for each character.  I made one of these podcasts available to the general public here.  If you’d like to hear all of these podcasts, get other exclusive goodies like reviews, essays, and the upcoming Cinematic Mirage: The Theater of Movies That Don't Exist and can spare at least a dollar a month to support my efforts to Make The World Stranger, go here to sign up.

Please enjoy, and please donate.

Graphic courtesty of  zsuzsanna1987
Name: Ambrosia Wright
Location: Mobile, mainly London
Occupation: Savior of Queen and Country

Ambrosia Wright, former SAS officer, is the latest woman to take on the identity of The Grey Lady, Special Protector of The Crown.  An identity created after World War I, The Grey Lady was designed to address the increasing proliferation of parahuman beings in the world.  She has had a hand in turning back a number of major superhuman crisis both in the U.K. and around the world, backed up by a secret organization code named Oberon which supplies her with the technology that allows her to be a heavy hitter in the parahuman community.

Ambrosia, who is of Indian descent, is the first Grey Lady of color...which has caused some controversy amongst those associated with Oberon.  This has caused Ambrosia to be and outspoken than previous holders of the title.  She has the support of the Royal Family and the immediate staff of Oberon.  But there are forces to want to take the title back....and they may use less-than-legitimate means to do so.

Graphics courtesy of HighlightmanSR
Name: Probably not Cairo Jones
Location: Boston, MA
Occupation: Paranormally-Appointed Cleaner

When the Beings we once worshiped as Gods in ancient times decided it was time to leave, they knew there were things that needed to be taken care of--some of their own who wouldn’t go willingly, cursed or blessed objects that needed to be disposed of...and creatures that were mutated into monsters in fits of pique or to teach some mortal a lesson.  So they appointed one woman to be their representative on Earth and tasked her with the job of removing all traces of their presence on Earth.  These beings gifted her with knowledge and abilities known only to them and then left.

This woman has been devoted to this task ever since.  She has taken on different names and identities throughout history.  Legends have built up around her, and she has quietly fed and exaggerated them to hide behind so she can work without much attention.  If there’s something weird going on--you might find her at your doorstep.

Name: Long abandoned
Location: Everywhere and Nowhere
Occupation: Goddess of the Future

The woman who would become X--

nO i Do nOt tHiNk i WiLl lEt yOu

But the people have the right to know about you, about your--

tHey WiLl KnOw WhEn I wAnT tHeM tO kNoW wHeN iT iS tImE fOr ThE uNiFiCaTiOn Of ThEiR wOrLd AnD mInE tHeY wIlL kNoW eVeRyThInG tHeY wIlL bE tAuGht HoW tO TrAnScEnD aNd ReAcH tHe NiRvAnA oF tHe NeXt LeVeL

 You’re making this sound all scary and ominous

WhY aM i TaLkInG tO yOu BeGoNe


YeS, yOu ReAdInG tHiS dRiVeL.

DoN’t Be AfRaID

YoU aRe On ThE cUsP oF a EvOlUtIon

I kNoW wHaT i SaId.  tHeRe iS aN eVoLuTiOn GoInG oN, aNd I aM hErE tO gUiDe YoU wIlL bEcOmE a NeW fOrM oF lIfE, a StAtE oF bEiNg UnLiKe AnY oTheR

I’vE lAiD tHe ClUeS aLl OvEr.  FiNd Me

AnD pRePaRe fOr GoDhOoD

Next: Pray you don’t show up in the surgery of Dr. Mercy (played by a special guest familiar to certain Shudder fans!)

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WHEN WE WERE ULTRA: The Difference 25 Years Make, Steve (SLUDGE, SLUDGE: RED X-MAS)

Supposedly, Steve Gerber had no idea for what he could write as his contribution to the Ultraverse. Sure, he was doing Exiles , but that was...